you know how people in their middle ages, starts to have their mid-life crisis. well, it is basically, they are trying to do what they havent done before. the main reason mostly is, before they regret NOT doing it. yea. i am in that stage now. well, i am not saying that i am in my MID LIFE, but we can say, it is a final-year-life crisis. lol.
so i went for an audition yesterday. well, it is just an audition for a musical -- Rent, if you ever heard of it. the songs are not that bad though.. but its nothing really big. but heck, i was nervous out of my shoe!
sang "cry baby" by Janis Joplin. and heck. my note was here and there! and to top that, i forgot my lyrics. sweet. for sure i am not going to be called back. not that i am hoping for it.
so, i thought wrong. and the call back is today, at 11.50. damn. this is nerve-wrecking.. again!
ps: life after uni is w.o.r.k. and doubt it i will ever have a chance for this kind of thing again. lol. so why not right??