7 Jul 2006

wanna know what i think?

i had just finish watching "The Break-up" starring Jennifer Anniston and Vince Vaughn (and also, special appearance of Ivan Sergei).  this movie, is basically about Brooke (Jen Anniston) and Gary (VInce Vaughn) are breaking up due to some typical problems that couples would have.  i'm saying typical, because this usually happens in almost every relationship that exist in this world -- which is, GUYS do no know how to APPRECIATE their girl.  i'm not saying every guy, but most of them don't know how to do so.
let's just take me for example, i failed in my previous love life (which i hope i won't be facing anymore after this.. i'm just SICK of it!!), well, basically because 'he' do not know how to show his appreciation towards me.  i'm not accusing him of not appreciating everything that i did to him, and i'm not saying that what he did was not enough.  it's just that, he did not know how to express himself, to show that he care or he appreciated me.  (it's so hard to keep everything in past tense..)
well, i'm not going to talk about MY love life.  i want to talk about people in general.  in order to have good relationship with other people; not only being a couple, it can be being best buddies, sisters, brothers, even relatonships between you and your parents, classmates, lecturers or even the social workers who work along the street, you  need to have good communication or what they say as "a link" between the two of you, or in your group.  because, if you failed to communicate or disable to deliver the message that the other person needs to know, then they could either misinterpret what you're trying to tell them or worse, they will not understand what you're point.  my point is that, let say, there's a problem occured between you and your best friend for example, you may want to settle.  but, you delivered the message wrongly, in such a way that he/she thought you are not intersted to be friends again with him/her, (just like what Brooke did to Gary in the movie), then, this could only make things worse between the both of you.  even if you eventually manage to deliver the right message, it could have been too late, and things would turn out the way that it wasn't suppose to be.
owkay, i know i'm simply beating around the bush here.  but my point is, if you haven't show your appreciation to someone who had done something nice to you, or had been sacrificing all-out for you, please let them know that what they did meant something to you, if it really does. let them know that they're appreciated. don't let your life screw-up because of this minor details that you had over-looked along the way of having a good relationship with another human being. (owkay, i'm being SOOO general) please.. based on my experience, it really means a lot to them.
owkay, before i keep on babbling nonsense, with such vague points, i think i better stop, since it's already so late, and i need to have sufficient sleep to get through a very long day tommorow.

by the way, JPA scholars who will be joining ICPU programme are coming tommorow. so, there are major check-ins, which also means that MAJOR WORK for the RLs who's on duty tommorow.  thank god, i'm working half day.  if not, i may have suffered a lot worse than what i've suffered today. ahax!
alryte peeps. gotta go. need to sleep. thanx a lot for reading. really appreciate it. good night.

:: summer_breeze ::
~aNgeL oF bRokEn dReaMz~

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