29 Sept 2009


i am now in newcastle, safe and sound .. and tired.

the 1 week of aidilfitri i had at home is nothing like any other hari raya i have ever had. everyday was filled with events, and gatherings, and reunions.

i get to see all my BFFs.

i get to meet really old friends, whom i havent seen for more than 10 years
(i never thought i will be saying this. it made me sound so old, at just being 21! lol)

i get to meet at least half of mama's family side.

i get to witness the engagement of kak mas and abang.

i get to bond with kak mas and hun hun
(though hun hun still owe me a meal, because he did promise to treat me -- and mind you people, hun hun is my sister's boyfriend)

it was a great vacation -- home never felt better! but now, im back in this foreign ground, which by now, shouldnt be too foreign for me i hope. and lets pray that tomorrow, and this year, will bring everything that is better.

ps: i end up not going for my classes today, and apparently we have already given our first assignment of the year -- thank God for helmi as my group mate, and lets hope norman would want to join our group too. *wishing*


  1. Oh man. One day both of us will reunite. Hehe. Good for both abg Epi n Kak Nomie. Bei la pengilan gei neah. Hehe, take k dude.

  2. hoyeh!! one day very soon dear oggy!
    oi, save the date: 10/10/10. au mesti bei gk sibu. abg ko kawin lau in! hahaha :D
