4 Sept 2009

expectation (ek′spek tās̸hən)


  1. a looking forward to; anticipation
  2. a looking for as due, proper, or necessary
  3. a thing looked forward to
  4. a reason or warrant for looking forward to something; prospect for the future, as of advancement or prosperity
  5. the probability of the occurrence, duration, etc. of something, esp. as indicated by statistics
whatever the meaning is, you are never meant to have them. it can only bring you 2 extremes:
  1. you can be overly satisfied, despite the fact that it may not yet be enough
  2. you'll be overly crushed, because you thought you deserve better.
either way, it wont do yourself any good.
so rather than having them, just think logically. only then you'll be safe.

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