18 Feb 2010

of pirates in the seven seas

this is related to the new Facebook language: the Pirate English, which i must say, is really interesting.

but i do wonder why they do so. is it because pirates, too, get on facebook, and have fellow pirates friends.. or, is it specially dedicated to pirates freaks out there, who thanks to MLIA, i never knew they actually exist. lol!

but what ever it is, it is really cool to get notifications saying:

"K shouted an ahoy back"
"B commented on your recent tales"
"The pirate S scribbled 'pon yer photos"
"The pirate R scribbled upon yer plank and be sayin' "

and it is way cooler to have it say:
State o' Affairs: Sailin' Solo

rather than plain 'ol:
Relationship status: single

right. im plain jobless on a day-in. lol.

ps: this is all MLIA's fault. if no one posted it, i wouldnt have known 'bout this - nor will i be using it, and lamely, thinks its cool. LOL.

*note: MLIA is MyLifeIsAverage.com. Try check it out! :)


  1. eh? I didnt even know the language exists. And I;m checkin the website out.

  2. neither did i shell! tho ako rs dibei point menak. hahaha. but, its fun n cool as well! haha :P
