3 Mar 2010


i have always been proud of my origin. i think it is my upbringing. thanks to mama and papa, i am proud to have this huge a pride for my language. my race. my school. my state. my country. and my religion. eventhough they may have flaws (but for my religion, i am the one who may have flaw), i am still proud to say:

i am a MELANAU.
i am from SMK AGAMA SIBU.
i am from SARAWAK.
and i am from MALAYSIA.
and i am a MUSLIM

but what people doesn't know, i am very sensitive when it comes to mocking all this. to me, mocking falls under these categories:
  • those who refuse to speak melanau because they are ashamed of it
  • or any that admits that they are melanau, but doesn't know how to speak melanau.
  • or just sarawakian, who doesn't know how to speak Melayu Sarawak.
  • or malaysian, who doesn't know or refuse to speak Bahasa Melayu.
  • or anyone, who doesn't know how to accept there is another language, other than your own.
these people do get on my nerves. seriously.


  1. LOL, true true...i wish i knew how to speak different languages..i'd be proud to admit it if i knew how to speak melanau... and yeah, i should speak more malay =( hahaha

  2. di sini bumi ku pijak, di sini langit ku junjung!!!

    good post nadya..cam ade incident jer..story ah.. ;)

  3. keoi: nnti cuti i dah start, and i dah boleh settle down duduk chat ngn you, nnti i cite kt you k. haha. cite tak gempak je. but you know, sensitivity pasal bende ni cam.. hurm. people wont know till you say it out loud kn. :P

  4. sudah lama saya tidak menjengok blog awak..

  5. luqman: like how can you be terasa? haha. i thot ure not any of the above. at least you know and can speak melanau, though not fluently. u can speak chinese. u can speak melayu sarawak. ur english is good. damn. im jealous of u. haha.
